mardi 10 mai 2011

I dislike this new populistic opposition

I definitely still support all opposition parties, but the rise in populism and xenophobia on opposition forums now start to scare me. Parliament -- if you investigate videos and transcripts -- intriguingly, isn't quite a rubber stamp. Or maybe it is. Fine arguments are still made. (Although Harry sometimes shuts things down out of "omg getreal" anti-idealism).

Lee Hsien Loong says proportional representation isn't "the right system for Singapore" because it leads to fractured, polemicised, racialised politics. And I agree -- Singapore's legislature has largely avoided the problems of many western legislatures where these issues dominate needlessly. Yet at the same time he does not seem to address the issue of why religious conservatives are allowed to dominate policy!

If the PAP respected individual liberty and freedom of speech and repealed 377A, among implementing other various reforms, I would be content, rather than side with the strengthening opposition that increasingly shows its growing power. But it doesn't. So Opp I go.

lundi 9 mai 2011

a tale of a child

my first chinese post. yay.

孩子长大的时候, 不再孩子, 可能 思考自己, 青他的爸爸 可以不可以 做这些给他幸福的事?

爸爸 说: “什么?! 文艺?艺术? 调查 我们世界 有神么意思? 你为什么 要这些 不带 国泰民安的事? 癫狂!” 他把 孩子 达到 到 涕泣 为止。

可是 孩子长大了, 不再孩子, 可能 以为自己, 所以 想想很多。 叛乱 很严重, 可是 他只有这个选。

爸爸说: “没感恩!你带混乱!”

可是 他看不懂 他的 孩子长大了。孩子现在是 成人, 可以 找到自己 幸福,国泰民安。 怎么有感恩? 爸爸不让他有感恩, 只要监管。